On behalf of the Chicago Pathology Society, we welcome you to our 2017-
2018 lecture series. Illinois Registry meetings take place at 7:00 P.M. at the
Medical Examiner’s Office on the second or fourth Monday of the month from
September through April, except as noted on the IRAP schedule. The regular
meetings occur on the second Monday of the month at the UIC (268 CMET
808 S. Wood St.), except for the annual slide seminar on May 14 (presented by
Dr. Redline) which occurs in Room 500 at Rush University.
Membership dues are $90 ($100 if paid after Sept 30) and free for emeritus
members and trainees. Regular and emeritus members may receive slides from
the Illinois Registry for an additional $90 ($100 if paid after Sept 30) or $50 for
trainees, and you must complete the attached member update form. This will be
your only dues notification. Please pay your dues online at our website,
www.chicagopathology.org, clicking on Membership and then Payments
(preferred method) or by mailing your check and updated member form to the
Secretary, Dr. Ajit Paintal. IRAP and lecture handouts are also posted on our
website. Make sure to confirm that we have your correct e-mail address, as all
correspondence is sent via e-mail. You will receive an email reminder if you
have already paid for the upcoming year. If you have not paid your dues for the
past 2 years, then your name will be removed from the CPS roster and email list.
Our first IRAP this year will be on September 25 at the Medical Examiner’s office
when residents from the University of Illinois will present the Illinois Registry slide
seminar. Please note that you need to sign in at the entrance of the ME office
due to security rules (There will still be a separate attendance sheet for CME).
Our first lecture will be at the University of Illinois on Monday, October 9; I will
present “Infectious Diseases – A Year in Review.” A dinner reception will be
hosted prior to this event.
We are sponsoring a research competition for residents again this year. Please
encourage any resident to enter. The deadline for submission is December 14,
2018. Cash prizes will be awarded (1 st : $750; 2 nd : $600; 3 rd : $450) and the
winners will present their work on February 12, 2018 at UIC.
PRA category I (CME) credits will be available; one hour for lectures at the
University of Illinois and two hours for the IRAP slide seminars from the
College of American Pathologists (CAP) for a total of 22 hours. There is no
better deal around. CME credit will only be given to members in good
standing. Evaluations will be performed online through SurveyMonkey, per
CAP procedures. CPS has been approved by American Board of Pathology for
SAM credits corresponding to CME credits. SAM questions will be sent
through SurveyMonkey. You will get a SAM transcript at the end of academic
We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming Chicago Pathology Society