President’s Letter 2023-2024

Dear Colleagues and Friends;

The Chicago Pathology Society (CPS) has been a leading source of continuing medical education for nearly 140 years and provides stellar educational materials and updates to pathologists at all levels of training and experience in the Chicagoland and Wisconsin areas. It is my immense honor and pleasure to serve as the incoming President of the Chicago Pathology Society (Academic year 2024-2025), the second oldest professional pathology society in the US and would like to extend a warm welcome to our new, returning and future members of the society.

Member engagement has gone up by about 10% in the past 4-5 years but is not reflective of our true potential. With nearly three plus years of virtual educational modules, we have realized that our potential is immense and that the virtual attendance especially for the noon IRAP sessions is record high. We hope that many of our virtual attendees make avail of the benefits of being a member of the CPS, mainly claiming easy access to CMEs. PRA category I (CME) credits will be available; one hour for virtual lectures and two hours for the IRAP slide seminars from the College of American Pathologists (CAP) for a total of more than 20 hours.

Please pay your dues online at our website,, by clicking on the Membership tab and then Payments (preferred method). Institutions can make use of the newly instituted “group” registrations to facilitate recruitment of regular members starting this academic year.  Membership remains free for emeritus members and trainees.

Please ensure that we have your correct e-mail address, since all correspondence will be sent via e-mail. If you have not paid your dues for the past 2 years, then your name will be removed from the CPS roster and email list. Also, CME credits will be provided only to members of the society.

For this year as well, the CPS lectures and meetings will be conducted via Zoom, and the Zoom link will be sent out in the reminder email prior to each meeting. Illinois Registry (IRAP) meetings will occur at 12:00 P.M., on the second or fourth Monday of the month, from September through April. The regular meetings (CPS lectures) will occur at 12:00 P.M. on the second Monday of the month. Please ensure that the email does not get blocked by institutional firewall or into your spam folders.

Our academic season blasts off with an inaugural IRAP presentation by Rush University Hospital on September 23, 2024.  This will be followed by the traditional CPS President’s lecture on October 7th, 2024 by Dr. Vijayalakshmi Ananthanarayanan. The title of the talk will be Diagnostic Approach to Transitional Thoracic Lesions at the Crossroads of Surgical Pathology and Hematopathology and will be moderated by Dr. Aliya Husain

 Please find the schedules and add them to your calendar here. 

We have a host of great speakers lined up for the academic season and we would like welcome the residents, fellows and faculty from Medical College of Wisconsin to be regular participants of this educational program.

In order to foster in-person interaction between pathologists at different institutions and facilitate resident education and research, the CPS held its first ever, full day program (annual slide seminar and research program) on May 11 2024. The program had an amazing line up of speakers including Drs. Rohit Mehra, Vijaya Reddy and John Hart. For the academic season, 2024-2025, the annual Mary and Donald West King /ISP Lecture and Slide Seminar will be provided by Dr. Jason Hornick.on May 17, 2025. Other key speakers at the venue include, Dr. Michael Pins and Dr. Karen Kaul.

Other exciting events include updating and modernizing the society’s webpages and social media presence for easier access to handouts, webslides and educational materials.  Other educational endeavors from CPS members include Renal club (Dr. Anthony Chang), Hemepath slide club (Dr.Bargaje, Dr.Venkataraman) and CoTAP (Consortium for Thoracic Anatomic Pathologists, Dr. Ananthanarayanan).

Residents are strongly encouraged to submit their research projects for the research competition and qualify to win cash prizes. The Judges for the research competition are Drs.Guzman, McMullen and Maniar.

The roster of current BOD/Officers, IRAP and lecture schedule are posted on the website.  We welcome your comments and look forward to an engaging academic experience.

On behalf of the CPS BOD
Dr. Vijayalakshmi (Viju) Ananthanarayanan
2024-2025 President,
Chicago Pathology Society
Associate Professor of Pathology
University of Illinois at Chicago and UI Health Systems

President’s Letter 2022-2023

Dear Colleagues and Friends;

As we emerge from 2 years of the pandemic, please join us in celebrating the 141st year of the Chicago Pathology Society, the second oldest professional society, dedicated to pathology, in the US.

Each of us has been impacted by the pandemic – some more profoundly than others.  Our thoughts go out, in particular, to those who have suffered most.  However, we hope that our experience of the pandemic has made us stronger.  Realizing that life may not be the same again, we need to embrace new opportunities.

While virtual programs began as a necessity imposed by the pandemic, we realized, based on feedback and the superb attendance, that they have the potential to expand our outreach.  Thus, we will continue to conduct virtual meetings.  We will strive to reach an even wider audience and connect with pathologists, not only in the suburbs, but also in the greater Mid-West.  To this end, this academic year, IRAP is expanding to host also the University of Wisconsin.

The meetings will continue to be conducted via Zoom, and the Zoom link will be sent out in the reminder email prior to each meeting. Illinois Registry (IRAP) meetings will occur at 12:00 P.M., on the second or fourth Monday of the month, from September through April. The regular meetings (CPS lectures) will occur at 12:00 P.M. on the second Monday of the month.

In order to foster in-person interaction between pathologists at different institutions, the CPS is exploring having a fall in-person annual event in addition to the CPS/ISP/King Memorial dinner.

We are hopeful that the Annual slide seminar/King Memorial Dinner on May 8th, 2023 will be conducted in-person, in Room 500 at Rush; the contingency plan includes a virtual format.

Dr. Sanja Dacic, MD, PhD, Vice Chair and Director of Anatomic Pathology, Pathology, Yale School of Medicine, will talk about “Thoracic Malignancies”.

Reduced membership dues will continue during the upcoming academic year at $80; membership remains free for emeritus members and trainees. This will be your only dues notification. Please pay your dues online at our website,, by clicking on the Membership tab and then Payments (preferred method) or by mailing your check and updated member form to the Secretary, Dr. Ajit Paintal. IRAP and lecture handouts will also be posted on our website.

Please ensure that we have your correct e-mail address, since all correspondence will be sent via e-mail. You will receive an email reminder only if you have already paid for the upcoming year. If you have not paid your dues for the past 2 years, then your name will be removed from the CPS roster and email list.

The society’s dues, the largest of our sources of income, are critical in funding payment to the CAP for providing CME credit for our events.

PRA category I (CME) credits will be available; one hour for virtual lectures / at the University of Illinois and two hours for the IRAP slide seminars from the College of American Pathologists (CAP) for a total of more than 20 hours. There is no better deal around. CME credit will only be given to members in good standing. As the American Board of Pathology has discontinued the requirement for SAM credits, these will no longer be offered. We look forward to virtually “seeing you” at an upcoming Chicago Pathology Society event.

With reduced dues, we will no longer provide glass slides.  Moving forward, PathPresenter will be utilized for online slide sharing for IRAP in the next academic year.  We aim to make the current IRAP slides available to all users and an archive of historic IRAP cases will be available to members via a secure login. This will involve significant cost to the Society for logistical support for the maintenance and generation of digital slides.

We are in the process of updating and modernizing the Society’s website.  Thanks to Tony Chang’s efforts we have a new logo.  Cathy Li and Nicole Cipriani work on the website redesign.  Beyond including the new CPS logo, we plan to incorporate a Twitter feed, virtual slides, and videos. Easier access to the CPS schedules and handouts will be provided without the need to download Word documents.

Our first virtual meeting will be on September 26, 2022 when Northwestern Memorial Hospital Chicago will present the Illinois Registry slide seminar.

In continuation of our tradition, the incoming President, Maria Picken will deliver an inaugural lecture on October 10th.  The title of her presentation is “Amyloid in Surgical Pathology and why it matters now more than ever”; Aliya Husain will moderate.

We will again sponsor a research competition for the residents this year. Please encourage any resident to enter. The deadline for submission is tentatively scheduled for mid-December, 2022. Cash prizes will be awarded and the winners will present their work on February 13th, 2023.  (Moderator: Maria Picken)

The roster of current BOD/Officers, IRAP and lecture schedule are posted on the website.  We welcome your comments

On behalf of the CPS BOD
Maria M. Picken MD, PhD
2022-2023 President of the
Chicago Pathology Society
Professor of Pathology
Loyola University Medical Center

President’s Letter 2021-2022

Greetings on behalf of the Chicago Pathology Society, we hope you are all staying well in these difficult times. Each of us has been impacted by the pandemic – some more profoundly than others – but together we have exhibited resiliency and tried hard to make the best of a bad situation. Our deepest condolences to the families of so many renowned pathologists we lost in the recent past. One of them was the world renowned Cytopathologist Dr. Stefan Pambuccian, a passionate teacher and highly accomplished pathologist.

The pandemic is still here and just like the last year, we will be conducting virtual meetings, at least through the end of 2021, at which time we will reassess. The meetings will be conducted via Zoom, and the Zoom link will be posted on the website and sent out in the reminder email prior to each meeting. Illinois Registry (IRAP) meetings will occur at 12:00 P.M. on the second or fourth Monday of the month from September through April. The regular meetings (CPS lectures) occur at 12:00 P.M. on the second Monday of the month. We are hopeful that we may resume in-person meetings at some point during the academic year. If so, the Annual slide seminar/King Memorial Dinner on May 9, 2022 (Presented by Dr. Daniel J Brat, Northwestern University) will occur in Room 500 at Rush (Potentially virtual if the conditions don’t improve).

Membership dues have been temporarily reduced to $80 this year, and are free for emeritus members and trainees. This will be your only dues notification. Please pay your dues online at our website,, clicking on Membership tab and then Payments (preferred method) or by mailing your check and updated member form to the Secretary, Dr. Ajit Paintal. IRAP and lecture handouts are also posted on our website.

Make sure to confirm that we have your correct e-mail address, as all correspondence is sent via e-mail. You will receive an email reminder if you have already paid for the upcoming year. If you have not paid your dues for the past 2 years, then your name will be removed from the CPS roster and email list.

Our first virtual meeting will be on September 27, 2021 when Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago will present the Illinois Registry slide seminar.

We are sponsoring a research competition for residents again this year. Please encourage any resident to enter. The deadline for submission is December 15, 2021. Cash prizes will be awarded and the winners will present their work on February 14, 2022.

PRA category I (CME) credits will be available; one hour for virtual lectures / at the University of Illinois and two hours for the IRAP slide seminars from the College of American Pathologists (CAP) for a total of more than 20 hours. There is no better deal around. CME credit will only be given to members in good standing. As the American Board of Pathology has discontinued the requirement for SAM credits, these will no longer be offered. We look forward to virtually “seeing you” at an upcoming Chicago Pathology Society event.

President’s Letter 2020-2021

Greetings on behalf of the Chicago Pathology Society, we hope you are all
staying well in these difficult times. We apologize that the 2019-2020 lecture
series had to be abbreviated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately our
speakers were all able to reschedule for the 2020-2021 lecture series. This year
we will be conducting virtual meetings, at least through the end of 2020, at
which time we will reassess. The meetings will be conducted via Zoom, and
the Zoom link will be posted on the website and sent out in the reminder email
prior to each meeting. Illinois Registry (IRAP) meetings will occur at 12:00
P.M. on the second or fourth Monday of the month from September through
April. The regular meetings (CPS lectures) occur at 12:00 P.M. on the second
Monday of the month. We are hopeful that we may resume in-person meetings
at some point during the academic year. If so, the annual slide seminar on May
10, 2021 (presented by Dr. Cristina Antonescu, MD, this year) will occur in
Room 500 at Rush.

Membership dues have been temporarily reduced to $80 this year, and are free
for emeritus members and trainees. This will be your only dues notification.
Please pay your dues online at our website, , clicking
on Membership tab and then Payments (preferred method) or by mailing your
check and updated member form to the Secretary, Dr. Ajit Paintal. IRAP and
lecture handouts are also posted on our website.

Make sure to confirm that we have your correct e-mail address, as all
correspondence is sent via e-mail. You will receive an email reminder if you
have already paid for the upcoming year. If you have not paid your dues for the
past 2 years, then your name will be removed from the CPS roster and email list.

Our first virtual meeting will be on September 28, 2020 when Northwestern
University will present the Illinois Registry slide seminar.

We are sponsoring a research competition for residents again this year. Please
encourage any resident to enter. The deadline for submission is December 15,
2020. Cash prizes will be awarded and the winners will present their work on
February 8, 2021. In addition, we will be continuing the highly rated resident
board review course started in 2019 by CPS members on the weekend of
September 19-20, 2020 to be held virtually (details to follow shortly).

PRA category I (CME) credits will be available; one hour for lectures at the
University of Illinois and two hours for the IRAP slide seminars from the
College of American Pathologists (CAP) for a total of more than 20 hours.
There is no better deal around. CME credit will only be given to members in
good standing. As the American Board of Pathology has discontinued the
requirement for SAM credits, these will no longer be offered. We look forward
to virtually “seeing you” at an upcoming Chicago Pathology Society event.

President’s Letter 2019-20

On behalf of the Chicago Pathology Society, we would like to welcome you to
our 2019-2020 lecture series. Illinois Registry (IRAP) meetings take place at
7:00 P.M. at the UIC College of Medicine Research Building (COMRB),
Room 1020 (1st floor just up the steps on your left) on the second or fourth
Monday of the month from September through April. The regular meetings
(CPS lectures) occur on the second Monday of the month at the UIC (COMET
3 rd floor), except for the annual slide seminar on May 11 (presented by Dr.
Daniel Brat, MD, PhD this year) which occurs in Room 500 at Rush.
Membership dues are $90 ($100 if paid after Sept 30) and free for emeritus
members and trainees. Regular and emeritus members may receive slides from
the Illinois Registry for an additional $90 ($100 if paid after Sept 30) or $50 for
trainees, and you must complete the attached member update form. This will be
your only dues notification. Please pay your dues online at our website, , clicking on Membership tab and then Payments
(preferred method) or by mailing your check and updated member form to the
Secretary, Dr. Ajit Paintal. IRAP and lecture handouts are also posted on our
Make sure to confirm that we have your correct e-mail address, as all
correspondence is sent via e-mail. You will receive an email reminder if you
have already paid for the upcoming year. If you have not paid your dues for the
past 2 years, then your name will be removed from the CPS roster and email list.
Our first meeting will be on September 23, 2019 at the UIC COMRB building
when NorthShore University Health System will present the Illinois Registry
slide seminar.
We are sponsoring a research competition for residents again this year. Please
encourage any resident to enter. The deadline for submission is December 15,
2019. Cash prizes will be awarded and the winners will present their work on
February 10, 2020. In addition, we will be continuing the highly rated resident
board review course started last year by CPS members on the weekend of May
16-17, 2019 to be held at Loyola University (details to follow later).
PRA category I (CME) credits will be available; one hour for lectures at the
University of Illinois and two hours for the IRAP slide seminars from the
College of American Pathologists (CAP) for a total of more than 20 hours.
There is no better deal around. CME credit will only be given to members in
good standing. Evaluations will be performed online through Survey Monkey,
per CAP procedures. CPS has been approved by American Board of Pathology
for SAM credits corresponding to CME credits. SAM questions will be sent
through Survey Monkey. You will get a SAM transcript at the end of academic year. We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming Chicago Pathology Society event.

President’s Letter 2018-19

On behalf of the Chicago Pathology Society, we welcome you to our 2018-2019 lecture series. Illinois Registry (IRAP) meetings take place at 7:00 P.M. at the UIC College of Medicine Research Building (COMRB), Room 1020 (1st floor just up the steps on your left) on the second or fourth Monday of the month from September through April. The regular meetings (CPS lectures) occur on the second Monday of the month at the UIC (COMET 3rd floor), except for the annual slide seminar on May 8 (presented by Dr. Daniel Arber, MD this year) which occurs in Room 500 at Rush.

Membership dues are $90 ($100 if paid after Sept 30) and free for emeritus members and trainees. Regular and emeritus members may receive slides from the Illinois Registry for an additional $90 ($100 if paid after Sept 30) or $50 for trainees, and you must complete the attached member update form. This will be your only dues notification. Please pay your dues online at our website,, clicking on Membership tab and then Payments (preferred method) or by mailing your check and updated member form to the Secretary, Dr. Ajit Paintal. IRAP and lecture handouts are also posted on our website.

Make sure to confirm that we have your correct e-mail address, as all correspondence is sent via e-mail. You will receive an email reminder if you have already paid for the upcoming year. If you have not paid your dues for the past 2 years, then your name will be removed from the CPS roster and email list.

Our first meeting will be on September 24, 2018 at the UIC COMRB building when Lurie Children’s hospital will present the Illinois Registry slide seminar. (There will be a separate attendance sheet.)

We are sponsoring a research competition for residents again this year. Please encourage any resident to enter. The deadline for submission is December 15, 2018. Cash prizes will be awarded and the winners will present their work on February 11, 2019. In addition, we are planning a new resident board review course starting this year by CPS members on weekend of May 18-19, 2019 to be held at Loyola University (details to follow later)

PRA category I (CME) credits will be available; one hour for lectures at the University of Illinois and two hours for the IRAP slide seminars from the College of American Pathologists (CAP) for a total of more than 20 hours. There is no better deal around. CME credit will only be given to members in good standing. Evaluations will be performed online through Survey Monkey, per CAP procedures. CPS has been approved by American Board of Pathology for SAM credits corresponding to CME credits. SAM questions will be sent through Survey Monkey. You will get a SAM transcript at the end of academic year. We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming Chicago Pathology Society event.

President’s Letter 2017-18

On behalf of the Chicago Pathology Society, we welcome you to our 2017-
2018 lecture series. Illinois Registry meetings take place at 7:00 P.M. at the
Medical Examiner’s Office on the second or fourth Monday of the month from
September through April, except as noted on the IRAP schedule. The regular
meetings occur on the second Monday of the month at the UIC (268 CMET
808 S. Wood St.), except for the annual slide seminar on May 14 (presented by
Dr. Redline) which occurs in Room 500 at Rush University.

Membership dues are $90 ($100 if paid after Sept 30) and free for emeritus
members and trainees. Regular and emeritus members may receive slides from
the Illinois Registry for an additional $90 ($100 if paid after Sept 30) or $50 for
trainees, and you must complete the attached member update form. This will be
your only dues notification. Please pay your dues online at our website,, clicking on Membership and then Payments
(preferred method) or by mailing your check and updated member form to the
Secretary, Dr. Ajit Paintal. IRAP and lecture handouts are also posted on our
website. Make sure to confirm that we have your correct e-mail address, as all
correspondence is sent via e-mail. You will receive an email reminder if you
have already paid for the upcoming year. If you have not paid your dues for the
past 2 years, then your name will be removed from the CPS roster and email list.
Our first IRAP this year will be on September 25 at the Medical Examiner’s office
when residents from the University of Illinois will present the Illinois Registry slide
seminar. Please note that you need to sign in at the entrance of the ME office
due to security rules (There will still be a separate attendance sheet for CME).
Our first lecture will be at the University of Illinois on Monday, October 9; I will
present “Infectious Diseases – A Year in Review.” A dinner reception will be
hosted prior to this event.

We are sponsoring a research competition for residents again this year. Please
encourage any resident to enter. The deadline for submission is December 14,
2018. Cash prizes will be awarded (1 st : $750; 2 nd : $600; 3 rd : $450) and the
winners will present their work on February 12, 2018 at UIC.
PRA category I (CME) credits will be available; one hour for lectures at the
University of Illinois and two hours for the IRAP slide seminars from the
College of American Pathologists (CAP) for a total of 22 hours. There is no
better deal around. CME credit will only be given to members in good
standing. Evaluations will be performed online through SurveyMonkey, per
CAP procedures. CPS has been approved by American Board of Pathology for
SAM credits corresponding to CME credits. SAM questions will be sent
through SurveyMonkey. You will get a SAM transcript at the end of academic

We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming Chicago Pathology Society

President’s Letter 2016-17

On behalf of the Chicago Pathology Society, we welcome you to our 2016-2017 lecture series. Illinois Registry meetings take place at 7:00 P.M. at the Medical Examiner’s Office on the second or fourth Monday of the month from September through April, except as noted on the IRAP schedule. The regular meetings occur on the second Monday of the month at the UIC (268 CMET 808 S. Wood St.), except for the annual slide seminar on May 8 (presented by Dr. Esther Oliva) which occurs in Room 500 at Rush University.

Membership dues are $90 ($100 if paid after Sept 30) and free for emeritus members and trainees. Regular and emeritus members may receive slides from the Illinois Registry for an additional $90 ($100 if paid after Sept 30) or $50 for trainees, and you must complete the attached member update form. This will be your only dues notification. Please pay your dues online at our website,, clicking on Membership and then Payments (preferred method) or by mailing your check and updated member form to the Secretary, Dr. Ajit Paintal. IRAP and lecture handouts are also posted on our website.

Make sure to confirm that we have your correct e-mail address, as all correspondence is sent via e-mail. You will receive an email reminder if you have already paid for the upcoming year. If you have not paid your dues for the past 2 years, then your name will be removed from the CPS roster and email list.

Our first meeting will be on September 26, 2016 at the Medical Examiner’s office when University of Illinois will present the Illinois Registry slide seminar. Please note that you need to sign in at the entrance of the ME office due to new security rules (There will still be a separate attendance sheet for CME). Our second meeting will be at the University of Illinois on October 10; Dr. Nicole Cipriani will present “Updates in Thyroid Pathology: The Newly Benign (NIFT-P) and The Covertly Aggressive (Poorly Differentiated)”. A dinner reception will be hosted prior to this event.

We are sponsoring a research competition for residents again this year. Please encourage any resident to enter. The deadline for submission is December 15, 2016. Cash prizes will be awarded (1st: $750; 2nd: $600; 3rd: $450) and the winners will present their work on February 13, 2017 at UIC.

PRA category I (CME) credits will be available; one hour for lectures at the University of Illinois and two hours for the IRAP slide seminars from the College of American Pathologists (CAP) for a total of 22 hours. There is no better deal around. CME credit will only be given to members in good standing. Evaluations will be performed online through SurveyMonkey, per CAP procedures. CPS has been approved by American Board of Pathology for SAM credits corresponding to CME credits. SAM questions will be sent through SurveyMonkey. You will get a SAM transcript at the end of academic year.

We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming Chicago Pathology Society event.

President’s Letter 2015-16

On behalf of the Chicago Pathology Society, we welcome you to our 2015-2016 lecture series. Illinois Registry meetings take place at 7:00 P.M. at the Medical Examiner’s Office on the fourth Monday of the month from September through April, except as noted on the IRAP schedule. The regular meetings occur on the second Monday of the month at the UIC research building (909 S. Wolcott), except for the annual slide seminar on May 9 (presented by Dr. John Hart) which occurs in Room 500 at Rush.

Membership dues are $90 ($100 if paid after Sept 30) and free for emeritus members and trainees. Regular and emeritus members may receive slides from the Illinois Registry for an additional $90 ($100 if paid after Sept 30) or $50 for trainees, and you must complete the attached member update form. This will be your only dues notification. Please pay your dues online at our website,, clicking on Membership and then Payments (preferred method) or by mailing your check and updated member form to the Secretary, Dr. Ajit Paintal. IRAP and lecture handouts are also posted on our website.

Make sure to confirm that we have your correct e-mail address, as all correspondence is sent via e-mail. You will receive an email reminder if you have already paid for the upcoming year. If you have not paid your dues for the past 2 years, then your name will be removed from the CPS roster and email list.

Our first meeting will be on September 28th at the Medical Examiner’s office when Loyola University will present the Illinois Registry slide seminar. Please note that you need to sign in at the entrance of the ME office due to new security rules. (There will still be a separate attendance sheet.) Our second meeting will be at the University of Illinois on October 12; Dr. Archana Bargaje will present “Nodular Lymphocyte Predominant Hodgkin Lymphoma: Update”. The Pathology Department of the University of Illinois at Chicago will host a dinner reception prior to this meeting.

We are sponsoring a research competition for residents again this year. Please encourage any resident to enter. The deadline for submission is December 15, 2015. Cash prizes will be awarded and the winners will present their work on February 08, 2016.

PRA category I (CME) credits will be available; one hour for lectures at the University of Illinois and two hours for the IRAP slide seminars from the College of American Pathologists (CAP) for a total of more than 20 hours. There is no better deal around. CME credit will only be given to members in good standing. Evaluations will be performed online through SurveyMonkey, per CAP procedures. This year, CPS has been approved by American Board of Pathology for SAM credits, details of which will follow in subsequent emails.

We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming Chicago Pathology Society event.

Accessing digital slides for annual slide seminar

Courtesy of Dr. Wiley and UIC, virtual slides for Dr. Schnitt’s lecture on May 11 are now hosted by UIC and may be accessed with the instructions below. As of now, all CPS members may access these slides. We are still working on access for non members who have registered for the dinner.


We have loaded the members of CPS into slidepath.
For members to access Stu Schnitt’s slides, go to

User name: complete member email address (given to CPS)
Password: cps2015

Click on folder labeled CPS-15-05
Five virtual slides displayed with histories
Click on thumbnail to open virtual slide.
Icon at bottom controls magnification and orientation
To go to another slide, click on square black arrow buttons in upper left hand corner
To go back to thumbnails and histories, click on round blue arrow button in upper left hand corner
Exit folder by logging out