Resident research competition

The Chicago Pathology Society is conducting a residents’ research competition. The work may be recently completed or ongoing and the resident should be first author of the research. The work may be unpublished or published as an abstract or manuscript. Abstracts that are submitted for the 2012 USCAP meeting are welcome.

The review committee will select three prizewinners. The prizewinners will give a 20-minute presentation of each paper, followed by discussion, at the February 13, 2012 meeting of the Chicago Pathology Society. Cash prizes will be awarded.

Submissions should consist of a summary of the work and may include images or tables. Submissions should be sent by to Dr. Anthony Chang by December 15, 2011. Electronic submissions are encouraged. All submission should be sent to the address below. A flyer regarding the competition can be downloaded here. Please post it in your department.

Anthony Chang, M.D.
President, The Chicago Pathology Society
University of Chicago Medical Center
5841 S. Maryland Ave
MC 6101
Chicago, IL 60637
Phone: (773) 834-3426
Fax: (773) 834-7644